my music



I started studying music at the age of 6, and the study of music continues to fill most of my time.
After finishing high school, I moved Milan. There, I was able to study Law at university, whilst at the same time studying music at the CPM, (The Professional Music Centre), under the guidance of M° Christian Meyer. It was thanks to this experience that I was able to study groove and phrasing more in depth, and turn these teachings and concepts into an essential part of my definitive style and artistic mindset.
During the course of this time I have been able to further my knowledge in singing and vocal skills, by means of a course in vocal improvement, based on the technique used by Seth Riggs, Speech Level Singing. Once back in my home town, I continued my I studies at the Conservatory of Music, where I was able to study under M° Massimo Pastore, thereby developing my interest in keyboard instruments, and graduating in Percussion Instruments. A keen attraction to experimentation in contemporary music, in particular electro-acoustic and computer-music, drove me to my next new and important milestone: a Degree in Music Composition within Electronic Music, under the guidance of M° Nicola Bernardini.
In recent years, my interest has turned towards the therapeutic-curative qualities of music and to the qualities of sound in general, allowing me obtain a further qualification, this time a Degree in Music Therapy. In 2019 I received the 24 credits required in the fields of anthropo-psycho-education and teaching methods and technologies, necessary to qualify for the teaching of music.

my ​​music concept

For more than thirty years, without interruption, I have been living and working in the world of music and entertainment and it is with great pride and satisfaction that I can count some of the most sought after and prestigious clubs, historic residences and period villas in Italy and Europe amongst my work locations. In 2001 I took my professional life in a new and definitive direction, prompted by the decision to focus my business and my musical skills and concentrate exclusively on PRIVATE MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT: musical performances, sound system management and sound & music design for special events in historic villas and residences, private parties, cocktail evenings, receptions and meetings. The decision to focus my work solely on private events has proved to be a particularly demanding choice. The expertise, ability and professionalism required must leave no margin for error. Nothing can, nor should it, ever be left to chance. The level of responsibility is high, because music is a crucial component in the success of an event, the keystone for an important day that all present, will fondly remember.

Music represents an essential component in all of life’s important moments: its presence makes an impact – a positive one - only when it is able to reflect the style of the event, of which it becomes an integral part, as the sound enters into perfect harmony with the atmosphere, making profound connection with the mood. Music, like a constantly evolving fluid sound, is transformed into a magical and evanescent presence, capable of transporting the mind to places and times otherwise unattainable. I firmly believe that music is the most sublime and perfect ‘toy’, and that it is precisely this perfection that explains the absolute necessity for music those important occasions, moments that we will always remember.



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